Let me remember my childhood days . I used to draw the pictures in small books which I myself made out of blank sheets in the old note books. There was a small lead pencil to draw the bottles and other tiny tins from my collection. I kept those books as a treasure. In those days I have some rare collections like gottees, Lottery tickets, rubber washers of soda bottles etc. All those things were very prescious to me; even I had to quarrel with my friends in the nearby homes who tried to steal them . The butterflies, squerels, cats and parrots were my friends. After a long span of time, I have created two painting named "kalikkakal" or Toys comparing the modern synthetic toys and the old natural toys; the toys we buy for the child are the imitations of the weapons. The toys once cleansed the mind; but now pollutes.
The rainbow paved heart creates saga of colours on canvas.