Saturday, November 20, 2010


It was the word ELEMENT that provoked my thoughts. In the process of transferring this word visually I have to add some words which actually have visual features. I tried to visualise elements like that of flight, infinity, convergence, divergence, outburst, blackhole, transformation etc..... and the visual output of this can be seen here.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The interior

The lonely interior is a feeling. If there is more than one person in a room who are not communicating with each other and living in their own world create feeling of loneliness very intensively.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

From plains to the heights


Uttar pradesh.
outskirts of Delhi

North Indian planes


These sketches are from my sketch book during 1994. The visual experience of my journey to Badirinath mostly by train passing through various States and then by Bus through Haridwar, rishikesh, rudraprayag,........ and finally Badirinath are sketched here. I could experience the vivid and vast cultural heritage and realities of life in our country.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Flower vase fantasy

Flower vase fantasy (poopathra swapnam) is a series of paintings in mixed medium. Certain uncertainties either personal or social, we have to face in life, lead me to do these works. Nature shrinked into a flower vase and that itself may be thrown out by man , the aftermath of which will be the total destruction.